Do You with Coquie Hughes - Coming Home to Your Creative Self

Welcome to Coming Home to your Creative Self - Inspired Interviews with Change Makers and Magic Seekers that I love and find Inspiring. I see the Creative Self as that part of each of us that is Soul-led and Co-creating with life - when we listen to its callings we find our way home to an inner sense of belonging.

Choosing Your Own Happiness - Coquie Hughes joins us from her native Chicago, she is an accomplished filmmaker and all around creative who does not let limited resources stop her.  She specialises in branding original scripted content for niche viewers. She relentlessly works at producing films that are geared towards urban audiences. She is also the founder of the non-profit media education after school program, Lights Camera Youth Action. In this Episode she shares with us how happiness, presence and following her own creative urges keeps her creating and enjoying life.

Show Notes:

Coquie Embodies the Earth Offering Oracle Reverence - Honour Yourself Card.

Instagram - @coquiehughes


Intro and Outro Music - Postcards by Jeremiah Johnson

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching